Thursday, October 29, 2009

Matthew's Birthday

On October 24, Matt turned 6 years old! And boy, did we know his birthday was coming up or what?! He tried to get out of jobs all week by saying, "Well, I don't have to do jobs because it's my birthday this week." We were told by him that he wanted breakfast in bed, he didn't have to do jobs, and he wanted to help make a cake. He woke up and had waffles and eggs in bed. We then went to Matt and Meg's soccer game. Matt wanted pizza for his dinner. He was also very specific on the fact that he wanted us to have a treasure hunt to find his presents. So Megan and I hastily made a treasure hunt where the presents were found in mom and dad's shower, the outside stairs, the toy closet, and the baking center. Matt had a total blast. As we were preparing for his cake, we realized that we didn't have any candles, but that we had a "2" candle, and a "4" candle. We put them both on because they added up to 6. Matt thought it was funny, to our relief. When I asked what his wish was, he said, "I wished that we could be together as a family forever." I don't know if my birthday wishes have ever been that eternally minded! He also got some cool presents: GMA and GPA Callister gave him a really cool R2D2 that is remote control. From GMA and GPA Magleby, he got a light saber and a Luke action figure. Mom and Dad gave him Lincoln Logs.
He loves them all. Happy Birthday Matt.

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