Sunday, May 2, 2010

Student Council: A very late thank you!

This is extremely late, but I do want to thank everyone who ended up helping me with student council ideas. I ended up photo shopping an ipod and making a "taylist" instead of a playlist, and inserted my own picture where the artist's should go. I felt pretty cool having my own ipod. I put them on my posters and said "Add Tay to Your Playlist!". It ended up pretty fun, and I was pleased.

This was the picture I used for my poster, I call it my "withering stare".

This is a picture of me goofing off when my mom was taking a picture of me. I've decided that I don't like when it is just me in a picture, way better to have other people with you.
Well I feel like I have the coolest family ever, because everyone really loved their ideas and it was a big hit. However, I was rejected by the student body and was not made the sophomore class secretary. Although I'm extremely disappointed I really had fun campaigning, thanks again everyone!
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  1. You are gorgeous! Love those pictures. I'm sorry you didn't win. But like I told you earlier...I didn't win when I ran for Jr. class secretary and I turned out okay. Love you!

  2. Thanks cambo! I appreciate that!!

  3. Looking back, It is really weird that I posted pictures of just Me! I must have Been Grieving! :)
